Here is what the delegates have to say - course feedback
"Really brilliant
It's given me so much confidence to test, treat and see the impact we've made"
"Thank you so much Alex for an enjoyable weekend.
As soon as I got home I put my new knowledge to work. My son has a dodgy shoulder - I did the tests then released the brakes which resulted in his symptoms completely resolving. Great stuff.
Looking forward for future learning with you"
"I'll be using this when I return to the clinic. It will fit perfectly into how I work already. Many thanks"
Subsequent email "I had a patient returning with residual shoulder pain, after palpating it was definitely PC Sinew Channel. Blood let Pc9 and the pain completely disappeared. I don't know who was more amazed, me or the patient!!
Thanks again for the course - excellent and refined some things I've been doing for years"
(Acupuncturist, Applied Kinesiologist,
Swedish Massage, Shiatsu and Reflexology practitioner)
"Thank you Alex for all your incredibly hard work in putting an excellent course together. It was a joy to spend the weekend with you. I"ll let you know how it goes in clinic"
Subsequent email "Thanks again for the course, absolutely loved the weekend and felt so inspired. I"ve been putting things we've discussed into practice, and it's all been fascinating. I plan to read through everything again and then get back to you with some questions. Will keep in touch."
Sarah MAY
(Acupuncturist, Tuina practitioiner
BuQi Healing and Tai Qi practitioner)
Course feedback
"Thank you so much for this weekend, I thoroughly enjpoyed your MSK course and am grateful for you sharing all your vast knowledge and expertise.
Hopefully I will see you again at some point in the future for another course"
"I used the pricking of the vessels following testing of Shu Stream points for aching shoulders on Monday - instant result - how amazing is that.
"I've used it about 4 times this week and the results have definitely improved my patient outcomes and are now firmly in the mainstay of my practice. Gua Sha - oh my word, I"m a total convert. I still need more practice but again, amazing. I can't thank you enough."
Martine DUMA
"I would like to recommend your course to all newly qualified and experienced acupuncturists alike. I took this course in July this year and since then I have had the confidence to use Gua Sha, Tuina and acupuncture with great effect on my patients. I have become more confident in my diagnosis and development of my treatment plans. Patients, without exception, say that their pain is much reduced. Thank you.
"I thought the balance between theory and practical was just right. The varied styles of presentation and activities (quizzes, demonstrations and 'skeleton') was more visual, engaging + fun which has helped me remember the info better.
This course has given me the knowledge, tools and confidence to add to my acupuncture practice. Thanks Alex - I loved it!"
"Thanks for as really interesting zoom session. I'm not normally a fan of zoom, but I really enjoyed the course. Lots to get my head around, but I was pleasantly surprised. Looking forward to the practical session"
"Alex is an amazing and generous teacher who kindly shares his extensive knowledge with us in a clear, fun and practical way. Many thanks"
MSK IV - Masterclass
Completion of MSK I, II and III (both theory and practical) within 1 year is a pre-requisite to attend MSK IV. This course has been complied from feedback received to previous course and is an excellent opportunity to recap and network with other practitioners who have completed the course in addition to its primary focus - treating the lower back, pelvis and lower jiao.
MSK IV integrates the diagnostic and treatment methods discussed in MSK I, II and III including the combining of classic techniques (e.g. Channel palpation, Gua Sha, Ba Guan and needling) with modern techniques (including orthopaedic testing, electro-acupuncture and "Release the Brakes") and a basic introduction to patient exercises to systematically diagnose and treat specific areas.
The course uses an interactive case-study based approach to cover the material focusing on the main areas of the body, including:
COURSE COSTS (from 12th April 2024)
MSK I - Blended learning 1-day (10-5) online only £80
MSK II - face-to-face session, (09.30 - 5.30pm), £110
Combined price (if purchased at the same time) - MSK I & MSK II - £170, a saving of £20
MSK III - face-to-face session (09.30 - 5.30pm), £110
MSK IV Masterclass - face-to-face session (09.30 - 5.30), £125 (only available to those who have completed MSK I, II an d III)
These courses focus on the treatment of channel sinew and musculoskeletal conditions and are aimed at acupuncture practitioners (although no prior bodywork experience is presumed), tuina practitioners and final year students.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the face-to-face sessions are usually limited to enable maximum use of practical time and individual feedback.
APRIL 2025
"When I initially qualified I did not feel confident in dealing with musculoskeletal conditions and pain reduction - especially as, due to my Martial Arts and Shiatsu background, this was the field I wanted to pursue.
It was at that time I attended one of Tony Brewers down-to-earth seminars on MSK conditions and was then fortunate to meet with Jason Robertson (co-author of the book Applied Channel Theory) who then invited me to join a month-long study trip organised by Yefim Gamgoneishvili to their teacher Professor Wang Ju Yi in Beijing. This chance encounter changed my life completely.
After further trips to China, Germany and Dublin to study under Professor Wang and his apprentices (including, in 2013, spending a month with Yefim in China focusing on the classical treatment of MSK conditions) together with a month-long internship at the Beijing Tuina Hospital, an intense course with Phil McQueen back in the UK on treating MSK conditions and completion of Arya Nielsen's postgraduate diploma in Gua Sha, it made me realise how much more there was to learn.
This, together with the need to "seize the day" (especially since my friends, colleagues and teachers Phil McQueen, Tony Brewer and Professor Wang have all passed on over the past few years) inspired me to complete John Gibbon's Bodymaster course and then to go back to university where I completed a 5-year journey to become an Osteopath, and to continue to integrate this learning into my practice and teaching"
Alex Brazkiewicz - July 2020.
We are able to deliver First Aid at Work (FAW), Emergency First Aid (EFAW) and bespoke first aid training through our sister company Holos Healthcare & Training Ltd.
These can be held either at your premises (workplace / clinic etc) or at your home (for family members and friends), through my sister company Holos Healthcare & Training Limited. For information about delivering a course at your premises, please click here.
Alternatively we hold 1-day Emergency First Aid at work courses at venues around the country (including London, Bristol, Malvern, Reading, Tewkesbury and Leamington Spa) - again, through Holos. For details of these courses (including dates, venues and pricing), please click here.
We are delivering the majority of our training via the blended learning format. This is delivered via a 1/2 day (3.5 hour) online interactive zoom session (with access to the resources for 8 weeks) followed by a 1/2 day (3.5 hour) practical face-to-face session. The online aspect must be completed in the 6 weeks before attending the face-to-face session.
This format allows delegates to really understand the background of why we do what we do, and can be revisited whenever they want throughout the 8 week period. In addition the study can be fitted around other home / work commitments and can be completed in one go, or in small bite-sized chunks. This also enables the face-to-face day to really focus on the practical elements.
As a registered paramedic I appreciate that this is an important life skill and, with over 30 years of teaching this subject, you can be sure of the quality of training and my clinical competency. For further details please look at our sister website by clicking here..
I look forward to meeting you on your first aid course
Alex Brazkiewicz
Director - Holos Healthcare and Training Limited
Paramedic, Traditional Acupuncture & Tuina Practitioner, Registered Osteopath